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Rediscovering Intimacy: Tantric Massage for Couples

Tantric couples massage is more than just a relaxation session; it's a spiritual and emotional journey that deepens the connection between partners.

If you are a couple who wants to find new ways to reconnect with the help of specialists able to create an intimate space of safety, respect and tenderness where you can discover new levels of intimacy and enjoy your senses in an even more conscious way, both TOGETHER and each other, HEAVENLY MASSAGE PARLOUR is what you are looking for.

What does tantric massage for couples do?

A tantric massage session as a couple can open the door to a whole new, vastly superior universe of intimacy and experiencing heightened erotic energy.

Therapists, specially trained in the art of erotic massage performed in the tantric way, help to create a deeper and deeper state of love, connection and intimacy and help to rekindle the magic of your love story.

Overwhelmed by everyday worries, we tend to put the needs of our relationship last. We usually put the need for connection, tenderness, eroticism, emotional intimacy, on the back burner.

Heavenly Massage Parlour was created to help as many people as possible to reconnect with their own soul and erotic energy through the art of conscious touch during tantric massage.

Tantra, often misinterpreted by Westerners, is actually a deep spiritual practice that uses erotic energy to reach a higher level of awareness and connection.

Our aim is to help you and bring added value, to support you in the process of deepening intimacy in your couple, to repair, with tenderness, love and care, your relationship as a couple.

Invest now in your couple relationship, to grow TOGETHER and not separately.

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

Tantric massage: A journey to self-discovery


Tantric massage is a profound art form and a path of exploration and discovery of one's inner self.

This type of massage can play an essential role in self-awareness, in improving intimate relationships, in the controlled unlocking of emotional traumas hidden deep within the subconscious.

In this article, we explore how tantric massage can be a journey to self-discovery, highlighting how it can deeply transform the human being on all levels.

What is Tantric Massage?

Tantric massage is a form of erotic massage performed in a highly sensual way and containing special techniques designed to consciously awaken deeply spiritual and ecstatic states in the person being massaged.

During this massage, the masseuse, specially trained in the art of tantric massage and who has achieved a certain mastery in this direction, can consciously lead the person being massaged to the discovery of the wonderful paradises that are hidden in her inner universe.

Despite misconceptions, the main purpose of tantric massage performed in an erotic and sensual way is not sexual in nature, but rather a holistic experience that integrates both body, mind and spirit.

One of the most significant aspects of tantric massage is its ability to unify the body with the mind. In a state of deep relaxation, massaged beings are more likely to explore their own inner world and understand their own sexual desires and blockages.

This exploration can lead to greater self-knowledge, revealing aspects of personal identity that may be hidden in everyday activities.

Increasing body awareness

By its intimate nature, tantric massage helps to heighten body awareness. Those being massaged learn to anchor themselves in the body, to feel every part of their body in an intense and deep way, which leads, over time, to increased sensitivity and awakening of erogenous zones.

Achieving a state of inner balance

Tantric erotic massage can lead to a better understanding of what causes pleasure, discomfort or indifference, facilitating an inner dialogue about personal needs and desires.

Through this massage, the masculine and feminine aspects of the person being massaged can be harmonised in a profound way, achieving a state of inner balance.

Building confidence and self-esteem

Tantric massage can play an important role in improving confidence and self-esteem. Through this erotic and sensual massage performed in a safe and intimate setting, the massaged being can explore and become aware of their own body, overcoming body image insecurities and feeling more comfortable in their own body.

This change in perspective on one's own being can have long-lasting effects on how a person interacts with others.

Despite misconceptions, erotic massage is much more than just an expression of sexuality. It is a form of therapy, an art and a way of self-discovery.

Tantric erotic massage is therefore not just a journey to pleasure, but a journey to deeper self-awareness and appreciation.

HEAVENLY MASSAGE welcome you to join us on this fascinating journey of self-discovery!

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

Easter Massage Offers

Easter is here! It's time to take a break and indulge like a king!

From 29 March to 14 April 2024 you can take advantage of the following special offers:

- Any Topless Massage session (1,5 hour / 2 hours) receives 15 mins extra free.

- Any Naturist Massage 1,5 hour / 2 hours) receives a Sensual Dance or Assisted Shower free ( at your choice).

- Visit at least 3 times during this period and the third massage will be at half price.

We look forward to pampering and relaxing you!

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

May’s Special Offer!

This May, we are excited to offer our valued clients an exclusive deal – 40% discount for our special treat, Pelvic Delight Massage!

Dare to reach within your true core!

A true tantric massage can be sometimes a challenge for a man as it requires a complete surreding and awareness.

This May, for any Heavenly Tantric Massage you will benefit of 40% discount for our special treat, Pelvic Delight Massage which usually it costs £50.

This special massage addresses the entire area around the genitals, removing the stress and inhibitions, enhancing virility and charisma, cultivating elevated pleasure.

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

More than Massage!

Paradiso believe that massage is not just a physical experience, but a spiritual one as well. Our masseuses are trained in the art of Tantra, health and wellbeing, spirituality, relationships and erotic energy, they are passionate about sharing knowledge.

Paradiso believe that massage is not just a physical experience, but a spiritual one as well. Our masseuses are trained in the art of Tantra, health and wellbeing, spirituality, relationships and erotic energy, they are passionate about sharing knowledge.

After each massage session, our guests leave with little "treasures" of help, information, advice or tools for living that can be used to enhance and improve daily life; over time, this can lead to significant learnings and transformations.

True wellbeing comes from a balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. During a massage session, our masseuses not only address physical tensions but also emotional blockages. They listen to guests' concerns and offer advice on how to achieve better balance and wellbeing.

Spirituality is an important aspect of life. Our masseuses believe that the body and spirit are interconnected. When one is in harmony, it affects the other. They work to help guests connect with their spiritual selves. During a massage session, our masseuses may incorporate meditation, visualisation, or breathing exercises to help guests relax and connect with their inner selves to be more in tune with their emotions and the people around them.

Whether you are seeking to release tension or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, or understand a relationship challenge, our masseuses are great listeners but can also offer new insights and ways of looking at a problem from a Tantric perspective rooted in ancient knowledge, a dormant knowledge that many of us in this modern and busy age have simply lost or forgotten. We invite you to rise up!

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

Now taking Bookings!

We're thrilled to announce the opening of Paradiso Massage on the 5th March! To celebrate our grand opening, we're offering a special promotion: book your first massage with us and receive a 20% discount on your second tantric erotic massage when you book before April 5th!

We're thrilled to announce the opening of Heavenly Massage on the 5th March! To celebrate our grand opening, we're offering a special promotion: book your first massage with us and receive a 20% discount on your second tantric erotic massage when you book before April 5th!

Experience a new level of relaxation and indulgence with our authentic tantric erotic massage combined with sensory art and technology. Our expert tantrikas use traditional tantric techniques to soothe your mind and body, while our multi-sensory approach transports you to a state of pure bliss.

Our luxurious and discreet setting ensures the ultimate privacy and comfort, so you can fully immerse yourself in the tantric erotic massage experience. Whether you're seeking to alleviate stress, release tension, or simply explore your sensuality, Heavenly Massage is the perfect destination for your next indulgence.

Don't miss out on this exclusive offer! Book your first massage with us today and unlock a world of relaxation and pleasure.

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

Benefits of tantric erotic massage

Genuine tantric erotic massage is a form of massage that combines the principles of tantra with sensual and erotic touch and has gained popularity in recent years due to its many benefits, which range from physical health to emotional and spiritual. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of tantric erotic massage and why you should consider trying Paradiso Massage.

Genuine tantric erotic massage is a form of massage that combines the principles of tantra with sensual and erotic touch and has gained popularity in recent years due to its many benefits, which range from physical health to emotional and spiritual. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of tantric erotic massage and why you should consider trying Heavenly Massage.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

    Stress and anxiety are common in our fast-paced modern lifestyle. Tantric erotic massage can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and enhancing the production of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. The sensual and erotic touch during a tantric erotic massage can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation and release any pent-up tension in your body.

  • Promotes Emotional Healing

    Tantric erotic massage can be a powerful tool for emotional healing. The massage works on the principle that our emotions are stored in our bodies, and through touch, we can release those emotions. Tantric erotic massage can help you access and release any emotions that you may have been suppressing, allowing you to feel more balanced and grounded.

  • Enhances Sensuality and Intimacy

    Our massage can also enhance your sensuality and intimacy with your partner. The massage involves gentle and loving touch that can help you connect with your partner on a deeper level. The massage can also help you learn more about your own body and what feels pleasurable to you, which can then be shared with your partner.

  • Boosts Sexual Energy

    Tantric erotic massage can help boost your sexual energy and libido. The massage involves touching and stimulating erogenous zones, which can increase blood flow to those areas and enhance sexual arousal. The massage can also help you become more aware of your body and your sexual desires, which can lead to a more fulfilling sex life.

  • Improves Physical Health

    Finally, tantric erotic massage can have physical health benefits. The massage can help improve circulation, reduce muscle tension and soreness, and promote overall relaxation. The massage can also help improve your breathing, which can be beneficial for those with respiratory issues.

In conclusion, tantric erotic massage offers many benefits for both your physical and emotional well-being. If you're looking for a unique and pleasurable massage experience that can also provide emotional and spiritual healing, consider trying a tantric erotic massage at Heavenly Massage.

Our skilled and experienced therapists will provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to explore and discover new levels of pleasure and intimacy.

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jonathan knox jonathan knox

Coming Soon to Glasgow!

Bringing our brand new tantric massage concept to Glasgow soon!

Heavenly Massage understand the power of touch and its impact on overall well-being. That's why we are thrilled to announce our new offering: a tantric massage that blends traditional tantric touch with sensory technology and nature immersion.

Tantric massage is a sensual and intimate experience that enables individuals to connect with their bodies and release built-up tension and stress and to wake us up to our true potential. By incorporating sensory technology and nature immersion into our tantric massage, we aim to enhance the overall experience and take it to a whole new level!

One of the key benefits of this new offering is the ability to customise the massage experience to each individual's needs and preferences, by immersing our clients in light, colour, sound and aroma, they can feel more connected to the world and to themselves.

So, if you're looking for a new way to relax and rejuvenate, come visit us at Heavenly Massage and try our new tantric massage. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you later!

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